The river basin scale

Interfacing the 3 programs, the ambition of the Zone-Atelier Seine is also to facilitate the global study of the functioning if the Seine system by relying projects at the scale of the Seine basin that integrate the functioning of the society (pressures, ecosystem services, management of the environmental heritage) and which cover a series of structuring topics:

The hydrological and sedimentary balance as affected by climate change: Coupled surface-underground modeling on the watershed in connection with climatic forcings and integrating karstic systems, evaluation of the resilience water resources, between pressures and expectations of the society. Modeling of the hydro-sedimentary functioning of the estuary and morphological evolution under sea level forcing, contributions from the basin, and environmental development. Barrage Poses
Biogeochemical cycles and primary production: A coherent high frequency monitoring from Paris to the sea; a modeling chain "watershed - river - estuary - Seine bay" of biogeochemical processes. Construction and evaluation of  scenarios of the future of the agro-food system and their impact on the functioning of the coastal ecosystem, including harmful algae production.

Chemical contamination and ecological perturbations: Assessment and modeling of contamination, development of an homogeneous functional disturbance assessment tools on aquatic organisms along the entire continuum (from small catchment areas upstream to the Seine Bay).

Medaka - J Cachot
Axe Seine

The environmental issues related to the development of the Seine Axis from Paris to the Sea: A pluridisciplinary prospective approach around multiple crossed questionings: the impacts on morphology of the river; ecological compensation vs restoration of the environment; ecological continuity for fish populations; land use change and runoff, flood risks; demographic pressure and water resources; involvement of various publics to promote a virtuous development.